Airport taxi between Phuket and Khao Lak - Taxi between Khao Lak and Phuket Beaches - Long distance transfers to near by provinces - Private Car Charters for Private Trip and Tour -SHA+ Certified Taxi Service
Khao Lak Car Charter - half day & full day
Our experience drivers will show you around Phang Nga or just give us your wishing list and we will be your chauffeur for a day!
How much?5 Hr half day charter :
1-3 people 2,300 Baht / 4-9 people 2,800 Baht
10 Hr full day charter : 1-3 people 4,300 Baht / 4-9 people 4,800 Baht
- Payment by cash to our driver when you use our service |
How it work?
It is simple and easy!
We offer 5 hour half day or 10 hour full day charter start and end at pick up point in Khao Lak area. You can enjoy freely to go and visit places within your booking hour. Note:
The company is not responsible on any accident injuries, loss or damage of customer's belongings/properties when customers join 3rd party activities during the charter.